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Publisher's Details

Sto SE & Co. KGaA
Ehrenbachstraße 1
D-79780 Stühlingen

Telephone +49 77 44 57-0
Fax +49 77 44 57-21 78

Head office:
D-79780 Stühlingen

District Court in Freiburg i. Br.
HRB 711236
VAT reg. no.: DE142834082

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Peter Zürn

General partner:
STO Management SE

D-79780 Stühlingen

Trade register:
District Court in Freiburg i. Br.
HRB 709900

Executive Board of STO Management SE:

Chief Executive Officer
Rainer Hüttenberger

Chief Sales and Marketing Officer
Michael Keller (Deputy Chief Executive Officer)

Chief Financial Officer
Désirée Konrad

Chief Technical Officer
Jost Bendel

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of STO Management SE:
Jochen Stotmeister

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