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Compliance – We can’t succeed without it.


Compliance at Sto

Our compliance maxim means that we do not tolerate:

- Restriction of free and fair competition

- Corruption

- Any form of financial crime whatsoever

- Other violations of applicable laws

We are resolutely committed to taking action against all of the above.

Along with abiding by laws, regulations, and our own company values, for Sto, compliance provides the foundation for integrity in the business arena: in all that we do, we act in a way that is ethically and socially compliant.

The compliance culture and the values of the Sto Group underpin all day-to-day activities and our success. True to our mission: “Building with conscience”.


Sto Group’s Code of Conduct

The Sto Group is committed to achieving financial success, but it combines this with upholding a sense of social responsibility and a desire to protect the environment. It is a Group that focuses on quality and operates on an international scale.

If we want to achieve success, it is vital that every employee in the Sto Group acts with awareness of the company's mission and brand values. Ensuring compliance with this approach is one of the most important aspects of the work we do every day. We need to uphold and foster a culture of sincerity in which every employee has a sense of personal responsibility for conducting themselves in a legally compliant manner. Our Code of Conduct serves as a binding guideline for acting with integrity.

It is binding for all employees of the Sto Group and applies worldwide. The Code of Conduct summarizes important laws and internal company regulations that govern conduct in the business environment with third parties, in dealing with the public and also for daily interaction within the Group.


Compliance with basic human rights standards

The assumption of responsibility for people and the environment has been an important concern for us since the beginning of the company. We align our business activities to meet the needs of our stakeholders and the environment and to offer sustainable solutions. Our vision of global technological leadership for the humane and sustainable design of built living spaces is based on responsible and ethically impeccable action in all our activities.

We ensure that our products contain only raw materials and materials that have been mined and produced without violating human rights and environmental standards and are committed to complying with the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG).

We are fundamentally committed to strengthening human rights and preventing violations against them. It is also particularly important to us that all actors along the value chain respect international human rights.

You can report information about compliance breaches Here !